When a machine used for a long time, there must be some problems which affect the normal operation,and it is true for symons cone crusher, without exception. We will list some common faults of domesticsymons cone crusher. When operating the machine, operators should pay more attention to the solutions sothat you can deal with them and diminish losses.
1. The symons cone crusher wall is fixed on the cone body by the cone head, between of them casting kirsite, after new replacement or new installationof cone crushing wall worked for 6-8 hours, check the fixture condition and screw down immediately if there is any looseness.
2.In order to prevent domestic symons cone crusher overload and uneven wear of liner board, the oremust be distributed in the centre of symons cone crusher. Operators are not allowed to put ore into crushing cavity directly, and the right way is to evenly scattered in the crushing cavity by distribution board, and the feeding ore can not higher than the roll mortar wall level.
3. The maximum feeding material size of symons cone crusher is less than or equal to 85% of the feed port. Otherwise, it will result in damage some prats of cone crusher machine and low capacity of the machine.
4. Before parking, stop feeding material. Parking the crusher after all of materials are discharged.