Circular vibrating screen does circular movement in operation. In production, the vibrating screen manufacturers want to make the equipment in high quality, they need to ensure each process strictly and scientifically. The main parts of the vibrating screen are box, vibration motor, damping spring and supporting spring. The spring is essential in the design of vibrating screen. As for choosing the spring fittings, we must pay much attention to it.
Spring's main materials are: rubber, metal springs, air springs, cork, felt and so on. In design, screening materials, environment and conditions, the proportion of the material itself and electrostatics must be considered before choosing proper rubber material. Supporting spring is one of the important elastic elements in inertia vibrating screen, whose performance directly affects the sieving effect of the screen. Therefore, be careful in selecting the spring of circular vibrating screen.
When selecting the spring stiffness for the screen, you must consider that the dynamic load of spring delivers to the foundation cannot make the building vibrate, and also the spring must have enough bearing capacity.
Steel spring, rubber spring and composite spring are all used in circular vibrating screen. Steel spring's service life is long, which is applied widely. However, it produces big noise at work and any failure may cause equipment fall and hurt people. The elastic deformation of rubber spring is good, which has very good stiffness, and it won’t suddenly rupture at work and its noise is little. In process of starting and stopping the screen, its resonance amplitude through the resonance zone is smaller than steel spring. Composite spring is made by steel spring with a layer of rubber outside which has the advantages of long service life, low noise, little pollution, safe and reliable.
When making the choice, the seemingly simple spring has many places need to be aware of. The spring can influence the working efficiency of circular vibrating screen and customers' profits. Therefore, Zhengzhou Huahongreminds you to choose the spring of circular vibrating screen carefully.
Carefully Choose the Spring of Circular Vibrating Screen
Source: Huahong Machinery By HUAHONGMAC Posted: 2014-4-20 14:57:34